bg about us

Business Leaders Network (BLN)

Who Are We?

Worship Harvest Business Leaders' Network is a vibrant community of driven and visionary business individuals within Worship Harvest Ministries. Our roots stem from Worship Harvest Ministries, a Christian movement which exists for the purpose of Catalyzing Spiritual, Social and Economic Renewal in our Immediate Communities and as a result, the World.

We believe that business is not only a means of livelihood but also a powerful platform for spiritual, social and economic transformation.

The genesis of our network lies in recognizing the vital role that businesses play in fostering community development and individual prosperity. Drawing inspiration from The Bible, we understand that the church is uniquely positioned to promote, nurture and empower Christian entrepreneurs for wealth. By fostering a culture of excellence, integrity, and stewardship, Worship Harvest Ministries has become a fertile ground for cultivating successful businesses.

We firmly believe that wealth creation is not only a personal endeavor but also a Kingdom mandate. Wealth is generated when individuals identify and address societal needs through innovative solutions, thus creating value and prosperity for themselves and others.

The Vision

Our vision is ambitious yet attainable: to catalyze the emergence of a thousand investor-ready and scalable businesses. We recognize that for Uganda, Africa, and indeed the world, to experience sustainable economic growth, it is imperative to have businesses that are well-run, innovative, and capable of addressing pressing community, national, continental, and global challenges.

We envision a future where these businesses serve as engines of economic renewal, driving job creation, wealth generation, social impact and strategically spreading the gospel to the uttermost ends of the world. By nurturing a thriving ecosystem of businesses, we aim to create a ripple effect that extends far beyond our immediate communities, ultimately contributing to global prosperity.

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joining BLN?

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Member Benefits

  • Membership and access to a community of like-minded Christian business people.
  • Weekly BLN Business assignments
  • Business referrals
  • Access to discounted services for individual or group services like Advisory Board, Accounts, Audit, Systems, Legal, Bidding, Coaching, etc.
  • Access to Investor and Investment opportunities

Our 3 Strategic Pillars are


Create a community of 1000 business people who are members of Worship Harvest Ministries.


Member breakfasts, Business Visits, International Experiential Business Trips

2. Coaching

Coach and train the 1000 business people to UGX 1billion/ USD 1billion annual revenue


Daily Zoom teaching, School of Practical Business, 1on1 coaching, Group Coaching

3. Capital

Create a platform for business to access financing, find investors or to invest in other businesses


Investor Pitching, Investor Ready assessment


At the core of our ministry mission is the belief that We exist for the purpose of Catalyzing Spiritual, Social and Economic Renewal in our Immediate Communities and as a result, the World. Businesses have the power to catalyse economic and social transformation especially if the business owner is a disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ.

By fostering a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to growth and excellence in their business, we aim to create a conducive environment for business growth and innovation which can become a catalyst for change within their communities and beyond.


Our Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) is to have one thousand businesses, each with an annual revenue of UGX 1 billion or USD 1 million depending on which bracket the business is. Imagine the impact of a network of businesses of this scale collaborating and doing business together. Such an economy would be characterized by resilience and innovation, driving sustainable growth and prosperity for all stakeholders.

In summary, Worship Harvest Business Leaders' Network is more than just a community of business people; we are agents of spiritual, social and economic renewal transformation, and kingdom impact.

Our Core Values


Leadership Team

Our leadership team brings together a diverse group of individuals with extensive experience in business and entrepreneurship

Christopher Kaweesa

Pr. Chris Kaweesa

Christopher Kaweesa is a dynamic leader within Worship Harvest Ministries, where he and his wife, Jean Kaweesa, are the leaders of the Global Network, Pastors of Worship Harvest Nakawa, and Leaders of the Business Leaders Network, the vibrant business community within the church.

Christopher is a seasoned entrepreneur, manager, mentor, coach, and trainer with extensive experience in leadership, contract management, bidding, hygiene systems, and implementing quality, food safety, environmental, and health & safety management systems based on ISO standards. He is also a professional Electrical and Information Technology technician.

Currently, Christopher leads Dag & Bragan Group, a conglomerate that includes; Dag & Bragan Ltd, Dag & Bragan Industries, Dag & Bragan - Oil & Gas Services, The Initiates Uganda, among other businesses.

Christopher and Jean Kaweesa are dedicated to both their faith and professional endeavors, making significant contributions to their community and beyond. Christopher and his wife Jean have five children; Amber, Kyle, Jonathan, Charlie and Christopher Junior CJ.

bg about us

Mr. Grace Munyirwa

He's a Dad who is a businessman.

Elder Martin Muhwezi

Elder Martin Muhwezi

Martin is the Team Leader at Investors Club Ltd. and is married to one wife and has three biological children. He is a Certified Straight Forward Financial Growth Coach (SFFG) and a Certified Personal Financial Literacy Trainer with the Central Bank of Uganda. As an Investment Clubs Consultant, he has a passion to transform our economy by empowering Savings Groups to mobilise local savings for local investment opportunities. He strongly believes that no economy can achieve sustainable growth and development unless it taps into its own local resources hence positioning Savings Groups as an ideal economic unit to develop our economy.

Martin serves as a Board member of Cure Hospital, a world class comprehensive care children’s hospital based in Mbale, Uganda. He also serves as a Board Member, company secretary and General Manager for International Development Consultants; a COMESA wide management consultancy firm based in Kampala, Uganda and also serves as a Board Member for BLN (Business Leaders Network).

Martin is married to one wife and has three biological children and serves as a Zonal Pastor (Worship Harvest Kungu) and Elder at Worship Harvest Ministries and oversees the operations of Harvest Café Ltd located at Worship Harvest Naalya.